Fun stuff

Download Fun Activities - Click on the images below to download the activity sheets. For word searches and animal picture / name matching activities and other FUN STUFF see Teachers Notes!

The Thing That Goes Ping! Colouring Sheets

The Thing That Goes Ping! Game Cards

The Thing That Goes Ping! Jokes

What's the most difficult key to turn?
A donkey!

What do donkeys like to watch on TV?
Bray Watch!

What game do donkeys play at parties?
Pin the tail on the human!

What do you call a donkey wearing ear muffs?
Anything you like, he can’t hear you!

Why did the donkey cross the road?
Because the chicken was on holiday!

What did the mama cow say to the baby cow?
It’s pasture bedtime!

How does a cow become invisible?

What is a cows favourite movie?
The sound of moooosic

How do you count cows?
With a cowculator!

What happens when you try talking to a cow?
Everything just goes in one ear and out the udder.

The Dingle Dangle Jungle Colouring Sheets

The Dingle Dangle Jungle – Animals of the Amazon

Marvin and Marigold: A Stormy Night

Design your own quilt for Marvin and Marigold! 

Marvin and Marigold: A Christmas Surprise

The Great Zoo Hullabaloo!

Marvin and Marigold: The Big Sneeze

More Jokes

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Osborn who?
Osborn today - it's my birthday!

Patient: Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm a snail.
Doctor: Don't worry we'll soon have you out of your shell!

Patient: Doctor! Doctor! I feel like an apple.
Doctor: Hmmm…We must get to the core of this.

Patient: Doctor! Doctor! I'm boiling up!
Doctor: Just simmer down and I’ll be with you in minute.

What do you call two witches who share a broom sticks?
Broom mates!

What is a witch’s favourite drink?

What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?
Morse toad!

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Luke who?
Luke through the keyhole and you’ll see!

Jokes from Wicked Wizards & Leaping Lizards

Wicked Wizards & Leaping Lizards

More Activities

The Moose is Loose!

Page 18-19 rough illustrations. By the wonderful Matt Stanton.

Colour in this page in your own way or add extra hidden animals and food. Have fun!

The Gobbling Tree

Five Little Owls